Footnote to Youth

About the Page
This website will provide you with my works on our ICT (Information, Communication, Technology) subject under Ms. Rowena Manuel. Nowadays, advanced technologies are everywhere. It might lead to good things and bad things. That’s why ICT will help you use the internet, technology, and information accurately and wisely in communicating online. ICT can prevent you from being scammed and taken advantage of by the internet. With this, you will be able to become a literate person who possesses being one.
The website is named "Footnote to Youth" because this will serve as a reference for the people especially to the youth. As footnote is defined as notes placed at the bottom of a page. They cite references or comment on a designated part of the text above it.
They can use this for educational purposes for it provide credible sources. ICT will not just help you in particular things but also will help your life become easier. With this, you will be able to know and explore certain things that only this website possess.
Enjoy Exploring the World of Mine as You Learn.
About Me
Walking down the aisle is not just applicable inside the church but also inside the airplane and present safety procedures to the passengers.
My name is Mary Jannyne Ivy G Gabac, a grade 12 senior high school Student of Malate Catholic School. Taking Accountancy, Business, and Management would help in honing the skills that I will be needing in the future. I am an aspiring flight attendant who wants to serve the country as I enjoy doing my job, at the same time, doing what I love the most, traveling.
As you learn, you will also witness what life I have. I hope the story of my life will inspire you to become a responsible youth today. That every moment is worth an effort to achieve your dreams and plans in life.
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